MARCH 15, 2021 – Updated -- Regina Public Schools is now providing remote learning for the 2020-21 school year. eSchool – Regina Public Schools Online Learning is for students who require an alternative way of learning outside of a school classroom during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Courses are for Kindergarten to Grade 12 students and are specifically designed for learning in an online environment. Each online course will be taught by a teacher who will provide learning resources, activities, assessment, and opportunities for interaction. Because online learning is facilitated through the internet, course materials and activities will be accessible to Regina Public Schools students as long as a student is currently registered at a Regina public school and has a device and internet connectivity. However, some learning is also designed to take place offline, in part to avoid excessive screen time. eSchool is administered by Regina Public Schools and there will be no cost to our school families.
Kindergarten to Grade 8 curriculum is available. High school core credits are available; high school elective credits will be offered based on need. Intensive Support programming will be offered. Elementary French Immersion programming may be available based on student need and available resources.
Students who register for eSchool will be required to commit to remote learning for a designated time frame. Part-time enrolment is not available. Students will have opportunities to return to their home school at natural transition times during the school year (end of reporting periods).
General registration for eSchool is facilitated through students’ home school.
To register for eSchool:
Elementary eSchool Registration and Deadlines
As of November 5, 2020, all new eSchool students must follow the below process to register for eSchool:
- Contact home school to discuss transition from in-person classroom to eSchool.
- Parents/guardians and students will collaborate with home school administration to facilitate a referral to eSchool.
- Home school administration will share eSchool registration form with students and parents/guardians.
- eSchool administration will be notified of application by home school administration.
- Students will be contacted by eSchool staff to arrange for registration.
This process will take 7 to 14 days to complete as students need to be transferred and enrolled in the online environment. Please call your home school for more information.
Elementary eSchool registration will re-open January 25, 2021 and close February 2, 2021.
The registration of an elementary student in eSchool reflects the commitment from a student and their caregivers to remain at eSchool until March 8, 2021.
Future Elementary eSchool enrolment dates:
The final elementary eSchool registration dates for the 2020-21 school year will be open from March 8 to 19, 2021.
High School eSchool
As of November 5, 2020, all students interested in registering for eSchool must follow the process below:
- Contact home school to discuss transition from in-person classroom to eSchool.
- Parents/guardians and students will collaborate with home school to facilitate a referral to eSchool.
- Home school administration will share eSchool registration form with students and parents/guardians.
- ESchool staff will contact student to arrange for registration.
- Note for Regina Public high schools have differing Quint schedules: eSchool staff will make every effort to offer students the classes in which they are currently registered at their home school. While every attempt will be made to offer the same classes, eSchool cannot guarantee that all classes will be offered each Quint.
- New registrations for Quint 5 will be accepted from Monday, April 26th to Wednesday, May 5th (first day of Q5).
*The registration of a high school student in eSchool reflects the commitment from a student and their caregivers to remain at eSchool until the end of Quint 3.
This process will take four to seven days to complete as students need to be transferred and enrolled in the online environment. Please call your home school for more information.
If you have any questions, please email eschool@rbe.sk.ca
For information relating to Home-Based Education, please click here.