2025-2026 Registration Forms

Interested in a program at Campus Regina Public? Download the 2025-2026 Registration form, and hand it into your school's guidance councilor at registration time. 



xcrp.gafe Thu, 03/06/2025 - 10:22

Early Childhood Education Students take First Year University Course!

Submitted by darren.forbes on Fri, 06/30/2017 - 10:26

The Faculty of Education and the University of Regina have partnered with Regina Public Schools to add another dimension to our excellent, integrated Early Childhood Education program!

Since 2014, ECS 100 has been offered as part of our ECE program. Our students have the unique opportunity to achieve a university credit while still enrolled in high school. We are so very fortunate to have the expertise of Dr. Twyla Salm who not only teaches this required course for first year education students, but who also helps to bridge gaps and quell reticence about the idea of attending university.  Dr. Salm makes it both accessible and safe for our students!

Parkland Fire College

Submitted by darren.forbes on Mon, 06/26/2017 - 10:47

Campus Regina Public Fire Science students have the opportunity each year to visit the only firefighter training facility in the province of Saskatchewan.  Parkland Fire College is located in Melville, Saskatchewan.  Some of our students have gone on to attend and complete training at Parkland.  Students are given a full tour of both the classroom environments and the skills training sites as well (This includes the Parkland Campus, the Melville Fire Station, & the Parkland Training grounds).  Students are informed about the program so they can have a better understanding of what to expect from Firefighter training at Parkland.

English and Cosmetology as Integrated Courses

Submitted by chris.hartman on Tue, 04/11/2017 - 11:01

Poetry with a twist! Parents, teachers, and students often wonder how an English class and a cosmetology class can be integrated. This semester our cosmetology 20 program experimented with integrating poetry with hair and makeup. 

First in English class, we looked at conceptual photography and analyzed the artwork of Brook Shaden. Next we looked at various influential songs and analyzed the literary devices and message behind each song. The students then looked at their favorite songs, analyzed them, and found a quote to centralize their visual representation upon. 

Health Science Goes to Regina EMS

Submitted by chris.hartman on Fri, 04/07/2017 - 11:22

Our Health Science program at Campus Regina Public is a health services career orientated class. This past week, our students took a field trip to Regina Emergency Medical Services headquarters, here in Regina. 

Our students were able to get a first hand look at the lives of our paramedics in the city. Highlights of the trip were seeing new technology such as the Lucas CPR machines, perform emergency intubations on training mannequins, and walk through the various emergency response vehicles and understand their various uses. 

It is always a great educational experience for our students and we appreciate the time Regina Emergency Medical Services took to show us their facility. 




2017-18 Registration

Submitted by adminrpsweb on Sun, 12/06/2015 - 22:14

We are now accepting registration forms for the 2017-18 school year.  Do not miss out on the exciting, innovative educational opportunities available at Campus Regina Public.  Registration forms are available from your home school or click here to visit our registration area to print your application form from the comfort of your own home.

If you have any programming questions please speak with the Guidance Department at your home High School or contact Campus Regina Public at 306-523-3300.